Cutting Tools & Industrial Supplies
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Round Tool Laboratories Made In the USA

Hi-Performance Solid Carbide Round Tools

About RoundTool Laboratories

RoundTool Laboratories Manufactures High-Performance Solid Carbide Reound Tools for Die & Mold, Medical, Consumer Electronic, Aerospace, Composite & Micro Machining

  • Our substrate, geometry, and coating are specially selected for each application and Series.
  • Our cutting tools have extremely accurate diameter, radius, and concentricity characteristics.
  • Our grinding method and coating process yields an extremely sharp and long lasting cutting edge.
  • We offer a full line of standard tools including "hard to find" items.

All products are made in the U.S.A., manufactured in our own ISO 9001:2000 certified factories using the finest Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) production equipment.

About the technology of Round Tool

We obsess over details that create the finest cutting tools available. Our reward is customer satisfaction via increased factory productivity. We cannot be the best without thinking differently, so over a 45 year operating history we've developed proprietary technologies that yield significant characteristics of cutting tools unlike any you'll find elsewhere:

  • SmoothGrind = Polished cutting edges for extreme sharpness and lubricity.
  • SmoothContricity = Precision grinding, tool holding, and tolerances for minimized TIR.
  • SmoothCoat = Sputter-based SuperNitride PVD coating for superior surface hardness & uniformity.
  • SmoothEdge = Surface and edge preparation for lubricity and minimized break-in.